Q4 2024 Production Report
Learn more about our rates of production and operational performance.
We are a leading global mining company and our products are the essential ingredients in almost every aspect of modern life.
Our portfolio of world class competitive operations, with a broad range of future development options, provides many of the future-enabling metals and minerals for a cleaner, greener, more sustainable world and that meet the fast growing every day demands of billions of consumers.
Technology, digitalisation and sustainability working hand in hand. These are the step-change innovations that will transform the nature of mining.
Find out more about FutureSmart Mining™Our metals and minerals are the essential ingredients in smartphones, electric cars and wind turbines; our basic materials build homes, railways and airports; and our diamonds fulfil your dreams. Simply put, our products move the world towards a more sustainable future.
A unique material for urban and industrial growth Copper's unique properties make it a vital material for urban and industrial growth, as society addresses the challenges of climate change, energy efficiency and raising living standards for the world's growing population.
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Premium Iron Ore
Premium Iron Ore Iron ore is needed for train tracks and other types of infrastructure, which is one reason for the great demand from emerging economies such as China and Brazil. But it’s also used in medicine, cosmetics, engineering, construction, paint and a whole range of products we need for modern life.
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Crop Nutrients
Crop Nutrients Polyhalite is used in fertilisers and can be mined through a relatively simple, low-energy, non-chemical production process. POLY4 is the product name of the fertiliser which will continue to be produced at the Project.
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Nickel Stainless steel has become iconic of high-tech design and construction. Most stainless steels contain about 8-10% nickel. Around two-thirds of all refined nickel produced is used by the stainless steel industry.
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Platinum Group Metals
Platinum Group Metals Anglo American is a leading producer of Platinum Group Metals (PGMs), essential metals for cleaning vehicle exhaust emissions and as the catalyst in electric fuel cell technology.
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Diamonds represent the ultimate symbol of love and a life's milestones, which is reflected in De Beers Group's famous slogan 'A diamond is forever'.
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Steelmaking Coal
Steel is a material that will continue to form the backbone of the world’s infrastructure development for decades to come. Steel is also fundamental to the transition to a low carbon world.
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Green hydrogen: latest studies highlight potential of “energy of the future”
Green hydrogen: latest studies highlight potential of “energy of the future”Everyone’s welcome
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