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Our approach

Our approach We remain committed to paying the right tax, at the right time, in the right place.

We recognise the importance of respecting the spirit and letter of the law, including ensuring that tax treatment reflects the commercial reality of our business.

We seek certainty on tax matters where possible. In all our dealings with tax administrations, including where we seek certainty, our relationships are centred on transparency. Where tax administrations have adopted co-operative compliance arrangements, we will favourably consider participation and we actively partner with host country governments, encouraging them to adopt such regimes because we believe proactive transparent discussions about potentially uncertain tax implications are in the interests of both parties.

We allocate value by reference to where it is created and managed within the normal course of commercial activity and we pay tax on that basis. We do not use tax haven jurisdictions to manage taxes and we follow international tax transfer pricing guidelines and local transfer pricing regulations, to ensure that the right value is allocated to each country in which we operate.

We give consideration to utilising tax concessions and incentives which are either offered or generally available and prescribed by relevant statute. These incentives must support genuine business activity and be sustainable.

$4.0 billion
Wages and related expenditure
$5.1 billion
Taxes and royalties borne and taxes collected
$14.4 billion
Paid to suppliers (of which $13.0 bn was local procurement)
$148 million
Spent on Community and social investment (CSI)
$3.2 billion
Paid to providers of capital (of which $0.7 billion was paid to lenders, dividends of $1.0 billion were paid to non-controlling interests and $1.6 billion was paid to Anglo American plc shareholders)
Environmental management

Our Sustainable Mining Plan

Being a sustainable business is something we need to take seriously if we are to survive and thrive – it’s critical to our future.

Our Sustainable Mining Plan, integral to FutureSmart Mining™, supports our innovation and delivery of step change results across the entire mining value chain.

Learn more about our Sustainable Mining Plan

Tax and Economic Contribution

Explore our Trusted Corporate Leader pillars
