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Our approach to water

Mining remains a water-intensive industry and we anticipate global water supplies to remain stressed amid the ongoing impact of climate change and variability, with increasing extreme weather events. To address these challenges, we have made water stewardship an integral part of how we operate across all our sites.

Given that more than 70% of Anglo American’s current asset portfolio is located in water stressed regions, it is essential that we reduce our dependence on water and associated tailings facilities. We will always need water, but we have increased efficiency through re-use and recycling with our innovative mining technologies such as particle recovery (CPR) and hydraulic dewatered stacking (HDS)

Milestones and targets


  • Reduce the withdrawal of fresh water by 50% in water scarce areas against the 2015 baseline

Water stewardship in practice

We are committed to ensuring that the water resources we manage and the savings we achieve by reducing fresh water withdrawals translate to additional water availability in ways that are socially equitable, environmentally sustainable and economically beneficial.

Following an 18-month pilot period at our El Soldado copper mine’s technology-testing hub in Chile, the two processes, working in tandem with each other have accelerated dewatering times significantly and yielded water recoveries of around 80%, while considerably lowering the liquefaction risk of stored tailings, as well as delivering significant energy savings. Moreover, with a reduced and dry, re-usable area, mine closure can be carried out in months, rather than years, and the land can be repurposed for community benefit.

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Our approach to water

Our water team continued to work with each of our operations and business units to identify opportunities to achieve our Sustainable Mining Plan goal of reducing Groupwide fresh water withdrawals in water scarce areas by 50% by 2030.

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We work closely with other stakeholders to manage water supply and the social, reputational and operational risks that result from our water use. Our Social Way helps us to understand our water-related socioeconomic impacts, and to enhance stakeholder dialogue and the management of social issues.

Picture This: The Water-less MIne

The Water-less Mine

As part of our FutureSmart Mining™ approach to innovation and sustainability, we have developed four aspirational concepts that we are working to achieve. In this article, we take a look at the Water-less Mine and its future impact on water use in mining

FutureSmart Mining
Our Tax and Economic Contribution

Circular economy

The products we provide are essential for the future of society, particularly as we strive to build a more sustainable and decarbonised world.

Global demand for metals and minerals is expected to increase substantially in the coming decades to meet this challenge. This reinforces the importance of being able to provide the goods and services society needs to grow, while managing impacts and deliver

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Our policies and supporting documents

Our comprehensive set of policies, standards and principles ensure that we uphold the commitments we make to our stakeholders and work towards a common set of ambitions.


Group Water Policy

2020: Water (CDP)

2019: Water (CDP)

2018: Water (CDP)

2017: Water (CDP)

2016: Water (CDP)

2015: Water (CDP)


Explore our Sustainable Mining Plan
