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Thank you for your interest in the Anglo American call for Expressions of Interest for their Positive Biodiversity Outcomes grant. Please complete the online proposal submission form and attach all the required supporting documents online, using the following link:


We have prepared some supplementary information to assist you in preparing your proposal, should you have any further questions, please contact [email protected]

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Question mark Accordion icon white What is the purpose of this grant? Icon Plus

The Convention on Biological Diversity released the post-2020 global biodiversity framework aimed at galvanizing transformative action and recognising the need for urgent policy action globally, regionally and nationally to stabilize trends that have exacerbated biodiversity loss by 2030. The United Nations also declared 2021-2030 to be the "decade on ecosystem restoration”. There is an urgent need for transformative action by Governments and all of society, local communities, civil society, and businesses, to scale up the restoration of degraded ecosystems, and to further build local capacity. This is important as restored ecosystems will improve the conservation of biodiversity, delivery of ecosystem services, adaptation to climate change and potentially contribute to climate change mitigation and the social value of nature reserves.

There is no future for business as usual – we are reaching irreversible tipping points for nature and climate, and over half of the global GDP, $44 trillion, is potentially threatened by nature loss. Fighting climate change is essential but not enough to address the nature crisis – a fundamental transformation is needed across three socio-economic systems: food, land and ocean use; infrastructure and the built environment; and energy and extractives.

At Anglo American, we realised that the cost of inaction is too high when it comes to nature loss, which is why we remained committed to the global objective of delivering positive biodiversity outcomes to ensure the integrity of all ecosystems is enhanced, the rate of extinctions is reduced, and genetic diversity of species is maintained in line with the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework goals. This helps enhance the benefits people get from nature and contributes to long-term socio-economic sustainability.

The annual Grant was established in 2020. The objective of the grant is to deliver positive impact, demonstrating and sharing positive outcomes in the wider landscape/seascape, countries and regions in which Anglo American operates.

Question mark Accordion icon white How many grants will be issued? Icon Plus

Anglo American expects to award grants from a total budget of US$500 000. The ideal project should commence in the first quarter of 2023, requiring a grant of between US$50 000 and US$250 000 to achieve demonstrable outcomes within a defined time period.

Question mark Accordion icon white Am I eligible to apply? Icon Plus

This grant is only open to projects that:

  • Are located in Australia, Canada and/or the United Kingdom; and that
  • Span between ten and thirty-six months.
Question mark Accordion icon white What type of project is eligible for funding? Icon Plus

Anglo American is looking to support projects that meet at least one of these three criteria:

  1. Contribute to the conservation or restoration of priority species;
  2. Contribute to the conservation or restoration of priority habitats; and/or
  3. Enhance ecosystem services so that they are able to promote and sustain biodiversity, and local communities.

In addition to meeting the above core criteria, projects also need to clearly demonstrate how their work will address challenges (e.g., reducing primary threats or pressures) relevant to the region of implementation, and would need to demonstrate how they include:

  • threatened or data deficient species on the IUCN red list (or similar national assessments);
    • incl. key threats or restoration priorities identified through the Species Threat Abatement and Restoration [1] (STAR) metric
  • located in or near priority habitats e.g., Key Biodiversity Areas or Protected Areas;
  • National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plan (NBSAPs)
  • National Ecosystem Assessments or other national/regional ecosystem plans and targets;
  • National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plan (NBSAPs)
    • Incl. key threats or restoration priorities identified through the STAR metric
  • located in or near priority habitats e.g., Key Biodiversity Areas or Protected Areas;
  • demonstrated support (through free, prior and informed consent) from local communities / indigenous peoples (through free, prior and informed consent);
  • support for biodiversity whilst also enhancing ecosystem-enabled livelihoods relevant to local communities; and/or
  • actions that address key knowledge gaps or advance achievement of national / regional conservation priorities.
Question mark Accordion icon white Is there anything you will not fund? Icon Plus

Anglo American does not fund projects that are:

  • Capital in nature, i.e., building infrastructure. Where project vehicles are required, this should be well motivated.
  • From for-profit organisations.
  • Of a political or religious nature. (NB developmental initiatives by faith-based organisations would be eligible, as long as the benefits of this work are not exclusive to people of a particular faith or denomination).
  • Purely for academic research and do not have clear conservation outcomes. Attending workshops or conferences will also not be considered.
  • Sponsorships for events and/or functions.
  • Direct donations or grants to individuals.
  • Student fees.
Question mark Accordion icon white Apart from the request for proposal, what other documents must be submitted? Icon Plus

Proposals must be submitted together with the following documents by 23:59 Universal Time Coordinated on 9th October 2022. All these supporting documents are required, and non-submission could jeopardise your proposal:

  • Organisational registration certificate.
  • Organisation’s founding documents, for example:
    • Constitution,
    • Trust Deed,
    • Memorandum of Incorporation,
    • Articles of Association.
  • Annual financial statement from previous financial year (ideally not older than 18 months at the time of submission). Audited AFS would be preferred.
  • Management accounts for the current financial year, to date.
  • Tax clearance certificate or letter of good standing, from the local receiver of revenue in the country where the applying entity is registered.
  • Proof of the applying entity’s physical address (in the form of a utility bill or a letter from the municipality).
  • List of the applying entity’s full board (governance structure), written-up on the organisation’s or institution’s own letterhead.



Species Conservation Grant

Apoio Financeiro da Anglo American para projetos de conservação da biodiversidade

Subvención para la conservación de especies
